Voip Hong Kong Whats The Most Popular VoIP Provider In Hong Kong, Taiwan And Singapore ? Skype, Yahoo Or Vonage?

Whats the most popular VoIP provider in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore ? Skype, Yahoo or Vonage? - voip hong kong

I wonder what is the most popular VoIP provider, and why? - Please help. Thanks


jerofjun... said...

Personally I use Vonage. It's cheap, reliable and portable with the need for a PC connection. We are a modem, connect the problem in connection over any broadband or DSL connection can be without echoes. I used it in some of the places I visited and it works perfectly.

kgn7003 said...

Hmmm ... Good question. I do not know whether this will be useful, but you want to see what is on this website. It is not specific to Asia, but could be useful or at least point you in the right direction.


I hope that helps.

Navigato... said...

I have a business service com

maiki_de... said...

I know nothing about Hong Kong or Singapore to know, but I'm sure Skype is big in Taiwan. My GF is not familiar with Taiwan with a different service. Proclaimed as "Sky-pee"

maiki_de... said...

I know nothing about Hong Kong or Singapore to know, but I'm sure Skype is big in Taiwan. My GF is not familiar with Taiwan with a different service. Proclaimed as "Sky-pee"

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