Boat Refurbishing Aluminum Are There Any Old Nautical Taboo's Against Re- Christening A Boat With A New Name?

Are there any old Nautical taboo's against Re- Christening a boat with a new name? - boat refurbishing aluminum

Or rituals you must follow to do this?
I am now restoring a boat only 700.00 and do not mind the old name.


the_skip... said...

Not if you call the Grizwald.

Big red said...

You must remove all traces of its former name of the boat. Anything with the old name remains in May, log pounds you need to change anything with the old name written on it. And you need to re-issued with the old bottle of champagne. You have to treat it as a new boat and not to veil while, has gone up all traces of the old name.

Shekinah said...

The stories I've heard that the change of the name of a ship were all bad. In the world of sailing rename = sinking ship.
The link I posted might be useful.

Scott B said...

Yes, all that's bad juju.

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